It’s pavement you can wear. Blacktop. MacAdam. Non-traditionally defined as pebbles of varying sizes held together by tar-like petroleum product.

Ok. So what is it doing in jewelry?

Umpteen years ago, when I was in college--not too terribly long ago, really—I had a spectacular advisor and mentor who had been really amazing to work with. Thank you Ed Owre. Ed had just finished a project involving pavements’ colors, aging qualities, textures, and shadows. The project had been so much fun for him, so I decided the piece I would make had to include asphalt. He got a pair of cuff links; I got the beginnings of a mild obsession.

Why didn't I stop at a set of cuff links?

Because it's fun. I enjoy playing at creating using metal and some alternative materials. I have some one-of-a-kind pieces. I have some pieces I’ve made multiples of. Basically, I think I’d like to continue making Nice Asphalt® as long as it is enjoyable. After all—If it’s not fun, why do it...

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